Law Foundation Proud To Be Founding Donor To Help Build The National Centre for Indigenous Laws at UVic Law

The Law Foundation of BC is proud to support the vital work at UVic Law to promote the recovery and resurgence of Indigenous legal orders across the continent.

The new National Centre for Indigenous Laws will cement the role of UVic scholars as global leaders partnering with Indigenous communities and peoples seeking to articulate and apply their laws to contemporary challenges. It will foster future generations of scholars and practitioners dedicated to this work. And it will highlight the national and global importance and prominence of work in Indigenous Law.

The project of developing the legal pluralism that exists in Canada will take much work, and many years. It will need present and future generations working on it, to recover laws that had been suppressed for generations. This centre will be here for that work, and the Law Foundation of BC is very honoured to have been asked to be a part of its creation.

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