Board of Governors

The Law Foundation of BC is administered by an independent Board of Governors, which is responsible for governing the Foundation and making all decisions concerning grants.

The Board has 18 volunteer members:

  • 12 members of the Law Society of BC or the judiciary, appointed by the Benchers of the Law Society to represent the geographical areas of the province.
  • 2 members of the Law Society appointed by the BC Branch of the Canadian Bar Association.
  • 3 members of the public, not lawyers, appointed by the Attorney General.
  • The Attorney General or their appointee.

The Governors for 2024 are:

  • Mary Childs, Chair
  • Karen Ameyaw
  • Lilian Chau
  • Abigail Cheung
  • R. Max Collett
  • Justice Thomas Crabtree
  • Paul Craven
  • Sharon Hobenshield
  • David Hughes
  • Claire E. Hunter, KC
  • Eugene Lee
  • Leah Mack
  • Zachary Murphy-Rogers
  • Judge Nina Purewal
  • Sarah Runyon
  • Zara Suleman, KC
  • Judge Linda Thomas
  • Brandon L. Veenstra

The Law Foundation is independent of the government, the Law Society of British Columbia and the BC Branch of the Canadian Bar Association, although its Governors are appointed by these bodies.

The Board has 7 standing committees:

  • Capacity and Access Funds
  • Class Actions
  • Executive
  • Fellowships and Research
  • Finance and Operations
  • New Grants
  • Policy and Planning

The Board and the Committees meet regularly during the year.

To learn more about our staff team that assists the Board, please click HERE.