Our legislative mandate is to fund legal education, legal research, legal aid, law reform, and law libraries for the benefit of British Columbians.
Through funding, collaborative relationships, and shared learning, we invest in work that empowers people and strengthens communities.
A future where systems of law and justice support all people to live and thrive in dignity.
Statement of Values
The following values guide the Foundation’s work:
We listen and learn with humility, and we cultivate trusting, transparent, and supportive relationships, both within the Foundation, and with those with whom we interact, valuing the time, commitment, expertise, and energy that each contributes.
We acknowledge and respond to the ongoing harms to equity-denied people and groups caused by the legal system and philanthropy. We take an anti-racist, intersectional approach to counter systemic racism and discrimination.
We acknowledge and respond to the ongoing harms resulting from colonization, and the role of the legal system and philanthropy in perpetuating those harms. We decolonize our practices, centering the self-determination of Indigenous peoples and their leadership, knowledge, and expertise in justice transformation through their own laws, and Canadian law.
We ensure that our work, practices, finances, and the programs we support are sustainable over time, and consistent with good environmental stewardship.
We encourage creative solutions to problems, prioritizing work informed by, and building with, people and communities facing systemic inequity.
Program Objectives
In each of five mandated funding areas — legal education, legal research, legal aid, law reform, and law libraries — the Law Foundation seeks to ensure access to justice through its program objectives.
1. Legal Education
To promote legal education programs and services in British Columbia to make the law more accessible through:
- increasing public awareness of the law and the justice system;
- providing education to groups with particular legal needs; and
- assisting in the academic and professional development of those providing legal services to ensure those services are of the highest quality.
To advance the knowledge of:
- law;
- social policy; and
- the administration of justice through the identification of areas and issues needing study and analysis and the encouragement and support of projects to address those needs.
To assist in the provision of legal services, including:
- advice to and representation of economically disadvantaged persons; and
- support of community service and non-profit organizations which address issues that benefit groups of disadvantaged persons or the public.
To facilitate access of the public to the justice system. Legal aid includes the Legal Services Society, community-based advocacy, public interest law, and other legal aid.
To encourage and support projects promoting changes to law and the administration of justice in accord with current knowledge, values and technology.
To assist law libraries and resource centres to keep their materials current. To encourage and support projects designed to improve the utility and accessibility to both the legal profession and the public of legal and law-related materials.
Strategic Plan 2023-2028

Lifting up Indigenous Justice Revitalization and Justice System Transformation
Indigenous law and justice initiatives, and initiatives to address the TRC Call to Action, MMIWG Call for Justice and the Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples Act – as prioritized by Indigenous communities – are strongly and urgently supported
Strengthening Structural Inclusion and Systemic Access to Justice
Access to justice is expanded for under-served and equity-denied groups
Enabling Networked, Effective, and Accessible Legal and Advocacy Services
Low-income people, and under-served and equity-denied groups are able to access and receive effective, networked, appropriate, culturally-sensitive and creative legal and advocacy services
Advancing the Public Interest Through Justice Initiatives
Public interest in access to justice is advanced through the development of and support for justice initiatives, legal education, research, and law library services that meet current and emerging needs
Building a Thriving Foundation
LFBC is strong, pro-active, inclusive, innovative and financially stable